Self I-Dentity through Ho'oponopono®
Self-I-Dentity through Ho'oponopono® (SITH®) is an updated Hawaiian problem-solving process that dissolves memories experienced as problems.
The process was developed by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, a Hawaiian Kahuna Lapa'au. She received the Living Treasor of Hawaii award from Hawaii in 1993. When we are willing to take 100% responsibility and let go, everything that is right and perfect for us can unfold.
In the updated IZI LLC Self-Identity through Ho'oponopono® seminars, a step-by-step approach to peace and balance is achieved and, through recognizing one's own self-identity, a new meaning about life is led.
IZI LLC Presents Self-Identity through Ho'oponopono® seminars are offered in America, Europe, the former Soviet Union, the Middle East, Asia, Australia and New Zealand.
Please Note: Only IZI LLC is authorized to coordinate and teach Self-Identity through Ho'oponopono® or use the copyrighted materials. No one else is empowered to teach this unique system of self-identity.
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